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Messaggi: 5390
Iscritto il: 21 ottobre 2008, 10:55
Località: Sovere (BG)


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wolftod ha scritto:Calamità:
Eresia - colpisce i giocatori di una religione. Come scelgo la religione? E anche dopo aver scelto una religione, come scelgo il giocatore che subirà l'attacco (più di un giocatore può essere della stessa religione)? "Le armate eretiche attaccano le armate del giocatore nel territorio." Quale territorio?
Le religioni sono: Musulmani (Mamelucchi e Hafsidi), Sciamanesimo (Khanato Orda d'Oro), Ortodossi (Bizantini e Repubblica di Novgorod), tutti gli altri Cristiani Cattolici... (se 1 giocatore cristiano viene scomunicato può rinunciare a chiedere perdono al Papa, diventare Protestante ed eleggere l'Antipapa, quindi altra religione)... si tira 1 dado per determinare quale religione.
Altro dado per determinare il giocatore nel caso in cui ci siano più giocatori della stessa religione.
L'Eresia colpisce ogni territorio del giocatore con 1 CATTEDRALE.

wolftod ha scritto:Incendio - Vengono colpiti TUTTI gli insediamenti nelle regioni indicate in rosso nella carta evento? Ci sono alcune carte evento che hanno quasi tutta l'europa continentale colorata in rosso, l'incendio colpisce tutto il continente?
Si, tutti gli insediamenti... ovviamente devi tirare 1d6 per ogni insediamento per verificare gli effetti.
Si, tutta l'area in rosso.
Ti rimando alla discussione qui sul forum perché ci sono delle discrepanze: ... =20#p21266
L'area di effetto dovrebbe essere minore a volte, 1 zona di terra, ma abbiamo deciso di utilizzare le aree degli eventi create per il gioco.
L'attivazione dell'incendio è inferiore, 2+ 3+ 4+ io lo intendo dal 2 al 6, dal 3 al 6, dal 4 al 6... Invece è dal 3 al 6, dal 4 al 6, dal 5 al 6.
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Messaggi: 5390
Iscritto il: 21 ottobre 2008, 10:55
Località: Sovere (BG)


Messaggio da leggere da Veldriss »

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:In the case of an Epidemic,

Q1 How is the primary victim designated ?
Q2 How is the epicenter determined ?

Q1: You have to look the red area on event card:

Simple mode: every player who has at least 1 settlement in the red zone rolls 1d6: the lowest result is the primary victim.

Advanced mode: every player who has at least 1 settlement in the red zone rolls 1d6; add 1 to the die result for each technology possessed among these 4 (instruction, medicine, surgery, hospital); remove 1 from the die result for each settlement within the red area; the lowest result is the primary victim.

Example: Novgorod, Holy Empire and Kingdom of Hungary are inside red area. Novgorod has 3 settlements, 4 tecnologies and rolls 6: 6-3+4=7. Holy Empire has 4 settlements, 3 tecnologies and rolls 5: 5-4+3=4. Kingdom of Hungary has 2 settlements, 1 tecnology and rolls 3: 3-2+1=2. Kingdom of Hungary is the primary victim.

Q2: Then another die is rolled to determine which settlement of the primary victim is the epicenter.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Q3 Idem for the Heresy, how is the religion selected ?
You have to look the red area on event card:
Roll 1d6 for each religion inside the red area with at least 1 cathedral in the red area; the lowest result is the victim religion.

To determinate the player of that religion:
Simple mode: every player who has at least 1 cathedral in the red zone rolls 1d6: the lowest result is the primary victim.

Advanced mode: every player who has at least 1 cathedral in the red zone rolls 1d6; add 1 to the die result for each technology possessed among these 4 (mysticism, monotheism, theology, fanaticism); remove 1 from the die result for each cathedral within the red area; the lowest result is the primary victim.

Example: Novgorod, Holy Empire and Kingdom of Hungary are inside red area, then 2 religions: Catholic and Orthodox. Catholic rolls 4 and Orthodox rolls 5. Catholic is the victim. Holy Empire has 2 cathedrals, 3 tecnologies and rolls 5: 5-2+3=6. Kingdom of Hungary has 1 cathedral, 2 tecnologies and rolls 3: 3-1+2=4. Kingdom of Hungary is the primary victim.


More advance mode: players roll 1d4 if are at 1° TL, 1d6 at 2° TL and 1d8 at 3° TL.
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Messaggi: 5390
Iscritto il: 21 ottobre 2008, 10:55
Località: Sovere (BG)


Messaggio da leggere da Veldriss »

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:By the way, you are aware none of this is in the Rulebook ?
Yes, sorry, we are preparing an update for all these things.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Q1. How should these rules be laid out ?

Q1.1 Simple and advanced modes in the Calamities section ?
Q1.2 Simple mode in the Calamities section, and Advanced mode in the Variants section ?
Simple mode in the Calamities section and Advanced mode in the Variants section.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Somehow, I thought the First Player had a say on Calamities, but reading them in details, this is not the case at all.
First Player has no a say on Calamities.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Q2. Was this in an earlier version ? or did I dream this ?
There are more version and discussions on my forum about calamities, now I do not remember where, but there is a discussion about the determination of the calamities that implements the technologies possessed by the players and the technological level of the players.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Back to the Epidemic. In the first Epidemic Example, I think the Epidemic stopped spreading one turn too soon:
T0 - Constantinople gets 7 base losses.
T1 - Mysia, Macedonia and Dobrudja get 7 base losses.
T2 - Bithynia, Lycia and Lydia get 1 base loss; Thessalia, Albania, Rascia and Rumelia get 5 base losses.
T3 - Epidemic stops.
However, in T2, there were 2 losses in Thessalia after modifications.
Yes 2 losses in Thessalia... and stop.

Epidemic Example: The Byzantine has a TL 3 and ROADS; and Epidemic strikes the City of Constantinople with 20 armies, so 1d8 is rolled with a result of 6, +3 because it is a City, but -2 because it has a 2nd-level fortification, for a total of 7 losses. During the Placement phase, the Byzantine adds 10 more FV in Constantinople, for a total of 23 FV.


On the next turn, the Byzantine purchases EDUCATION; the losses in Constantinople start from 7, diminish by 3 for the player’s TL and by 2 because it has a 2nd-level fortification, but increase by 3 because it is a City, so 5 losses altogether.
Meanwhile, the Epidemic spreads to adjacent territories with a value of 7 losses; on the other side of the Bosporous, in Mysia, they are reduced by 4 for the Strait and by 2 for the Hills, so 1 loss in Mysia; in Macedonia they are reduced by 2 for the Hills, so 5 losses in total; in the territory of Dobruja 7 losses, but there are only 5 FV, so 5 FV are taken and Dobruja does not propagate any more the Epidemic.


On the next turn, the Byzantine purchases MEDICINE; the losses in Constantinople start from 5, diminish by 3 for the player’s TL, by 2 because it has a 2nd-level fortification, and by 3 for MEDICINE, but increase by 3 because it is a City, so 0 losses in total. The Epidemic spreads from Mysia with 1 loss in Bithynia, Lycia, and Lydia, but all these territories reduce by 2 for the Hills and by 3 for MEDICINE, so
0 losses in total; losses are reduced in Macedonia from 5 to 3 for the player’s TL, 3 for MEDICINE, and 2 for the Hills, so 0 losses in total.
The Epidemic spreads to Thessaly, Albania, Raška, and Rumelia with a value of 5 losses. In Thessaly they are reduced from 5 to 3 for MEDICINE, so 2 losses; in Albania and Raška they are reduced from 5 to 3 for MEDICINE and by 2 for the Hills, so 0 losses; Rumelia reduces by 3 for MEDICINE, by 2 for the Hills and by 1 for the 1st-level fortification, but +1 for the 1st-level settlement, so 0 losses.


On the next turn, the Epidemic becomes extinct.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Q3. Shouldn't the Epidemic have spread from Thessalia to Peloponnese with 2 base losses, even though these would probably have resulted in 0 final loss because of MEDICINE.
Yes, I did not add this in the example because the effect was 0.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Q4. (Not sure if this is possible) What happens if there is no settlement in the red area ?
Yes, is possible: no settlement, no Epidemic.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Q5. (This is more likely than Q4) What happens if there is no cathedral in the red area ?
No cathedral, no Heresy.
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Messaggi: 5390
Iscritto il: 21 ottobre 2008, 10:55
Località: Sovere (BG)


Messaggio da leggere da Veldriss »

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Thanks for the previous answers.

Now I have a question regarding the Civil War:

What happens to buildings and settlements in the second faction territories ? Do they all lose one level ?

Q1. Castle --> ?
Q2. Fort --> ?
Q3. Tower -->
Q4. City -->
Q5. Town -->
Q6. Village -->
Q7. Cathedral -->
Q8. Fairs (Agricultural, Mining & Textile) -->
Q8. Remote Ports -->

Nothing happens to buildings and settlements in the second faction territories except to remove all Cathedrals and Fairs.
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Messaggi: 5390
Iscritto il: 21 ottobre 2008, 10:55
Località: Sovere (BG)


Messaggio da leggere da Veldriss »

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:And then, yet another question: How is the primary victim determined for the Inquisition ?
Grazie !
Simple mode: every player who has at least 1 territory inside red zone rolls 1d6: the lowest result is the primary victim.

Advanced mode: every player who has at least 1 territory inside red zone rolls 1d6; add 1 to the die result for each technology possessed among these 4 (mysticism, monotheism, theology, fanaticism); add 1 to the die result for each cathedral within the red area; the lowest result is the primary victim.
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Messaggi: 5390
Iscritto il: 21 ottobre 2008, 10:55
Località: Sovere (BG)


Messaggio da leggere da Veldriss »

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:How do we determine the epicentre of an Earthquake (Terremotto) ?
Ramdomly from the red territories on the Event card ?

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Do not believe you will get off that easily... ;)
Ahahahahah :p

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:So, is it based on the territories on the card (one territory, one roll)?
or on the players owning a territory on the card (one player, one roll)?
Well, earthquake is random and affects only 1 territory of the red zone. Divide the red zone into 6 smaller areas and roll 1d6, the chosen area divide into groups of 2-3 territories and roll 1d6 and then roll 1d6 again tp chose the territory ... or something similar.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:What about the Barbarians ?
Would they be considered as a player ?
If you want yes.

Jacta Alea Esto ha scritto:Does the number of territories owned on the card affect the die roll ?